?Why No Arabic University Among the Top 500
Why No Arabic University Among the Top 500?
Dear Colleagues
Undoubtedly there is a huge gap between developed countries and developing countries ,”if we don’t say backward countries “, from all life aspects in general ,and Universities in particular .Universities , scientific institutions ,and research centres ,are the cornerstones of the country life .Universities seek a high quality education and services to their students and environment .Today’s universities must have advanced skills in learning methods , to promote the innovation cases for individuals ,instructors ,and their reseach centres .Universities must have credibility perspective to be successful in achieving their mission toward the society .
The challenges that our universities confront upon being ,among the top 500 universities ,demand a clear strategic management , and strategic planning ,which is a disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an university is ,what it does , and why it does ,with a fucos on the future .
So , the strategic planning process is a dynamic one . It must acknowledge and respond to many external and internal issues , some of which are concerned with the nature direction and process of research and education , and others concerned with their potential impacts in updating it’s strategic planning .
The universities must take cognizance of these issues , while understanding that they are in flux and must be continually assessed .
The government was now more relevant than ever and it’s implementation was seen as constituting the vital tool for enhancing the role of universities in the socio-economic development programms in the country , which are the foremost tool for solving countries problems , and should invest in R & D , with the same level of other countries.Government should also design and support effective innovation and creation system using existing I.T. toward creating new technologies .Worth mentioning ,that the best five countries spending in R & D from their GNP are : Sweden 3,7% , Japan 3,013% , USA 2,63% , China & Taiwan 1,97% , and S.africa 0,69 %.Arab countries spend approximately 0,2 % of their GNP collectively , while Israel spend double as arab’s spend . Due to what have been mentioned , and in order to reach the high level of cridebility to one of top 500 universities among the world .The universities Administrations ,and government as well ,must take in their consideration the following points :
1- Review the Curriculums , taking into consideration the world’s developed aspects including information technology .
2- Support and enhance training of new and middle-level instructors in traditional and nontraditional pedagogy .
3- Matching available classroom sizes and facilities to course demand , incorporating more instructional technology ,and expanded library seatings and services ,are critical to support quality teaching .
4- Formulating and implementing a clear strategy for research activities .
5- Supporting research centres and researchers at different levels by providing them with all possible services toward better participation and innovation .
6- Working towards more autonmy for universities .
7- Setting up a convenient atmosphere for instructors and researchers .
8- Encouraging instructora and researchers by well pay .
Hoping that we can reach one day .
With kind regards.
Prof.,Jalal El-noaimi (Ph.D)
Faculty of Administration & Economy – Dean
A.O.Academy . Denmark